When parents in Ohio divorce or split up, they often need to develop a plan for child custody and visitation. In some cases, one of the parents may be the primary custodial parent who lives with the children at home for the vast majority of the time, while the other...
Columbus Ohio Family Law Blog
Why women may be more likely to seek a divorce
Traditionally, women have been perceived as the gender more likely to want to get and stay married. However, according to the American Sociological Association (ASA), women also initiate roughly 70% of all divorces in Ohio and throughout the United States. Let's look...
Common divorce mistakes you can avoid
The divorce process can be difficult, but there are mistakes that people in Ohio can take steps to avoid. This can help make the process less damaging emotionally and financially. Avoid emotional mistakes It is not uncommon to be angry at your spouse during the...
Complications surrounding same-sex divorce for long-term couples
Same-sex couples pursuing divorce in Ohio may encounter trouble in the areas of alimony and child custody due to the newly legal status of same-sex marriage. The people in same-sex partnerships for many years prior to marriage equality did not have the option of legal...
Experts look at high divorce rate among lesbian couples
Lesbian couples in Ohio might be more likely to get a divorce than same-sex male couples or straight couples. According to figures from Belgium, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, same-sex female couples have the highest divorce rate. There might be...
What happens when family law matters go to court?
In a perfect world, you and your ex would be able to work through your issues and disagreements without going to court, but this is not always the case when a relationship ends. In some instances, you may need to have a judge step in and make decisions regarding...
What to know about collecting back child support
If a non-custodial parent in Columbus, Ohio, stops child support payments on purpose, they could be taken to court over the debt. Laws in most states consider missed child support payments a debt. The Office of Child Support Enforcement has regulations in place that...
Child support and custody for LGBT couples
Every relationship comes with the risk of ending in a breakup. Unfortunately, things can get rather complicated when kids are involved. Many LGTB couples in Ohio wonder if family law courts will treat them like everyone else in child custody cases. The short answer...
Appealing or modifying a divorce settlement
Even after a couple's divorce is final in Ohio, either person may wish to appeal or modify the divorce decree. The tendency of an appeals court is to defer to the decision of the original judge, but there are situations in which an appeal may be successful. Usually,...
Facing the various challenges in an LGBT divorce
For LGBT couples, gaining the right to marry was a long time in coming. Members of the LGBT community in Ohio were granted this great step forward in equality in 2015. Unfortunately, like many marriages, an LGBT divorce sometimes comes about when people are unable to...