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January is the month of divorces

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2019 | Divorce |

January has been nicknamed “Divorce Month” by some in legal circles because of the number of divorces that take place during that month, especially at the beginning of it. Queries on search engines and online platforms have increased searches for divorce-related keywords during January as well. Ohio residents may be interested to learn what is behind this trend.

Stressors like spending lots of time with family or traveling during the holiday season can strain on a marriage. Some have the feeling that they never want to go through a holiday season with their spouse again and decide to end their marriage. Additionally, as the new year starts, people are thinking about making improvements and feel that divorce is a necessary way for them to accomplish their goals. Few people want to sit down with their kids on Christmas day and tell them that their parents are getting divorced, so it only makes sense that they would wait a few days.

Professionals advise that those who decide to get divorced at any time of the year focus on knowledge and kindness. While any divorce is not likely to be easy, it doesn’t have to be contentious. Especially when children are in the family, getting through a divorce in a way that keeps everyone psychologically intact can be a huge blessing even years down the road. Also, it saves the couple a lot of money.

An individual who is thinking about divorce during January or any month may want to discuss their situation with an attorney. The attorney might provide advice on how to file the appropriate paperwork and even represent a client in court. The attorney may also be able to answer questions regarding spousal support, property division, child custody and other legal issues that arise at the end of a marriage.


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