According to Columbus Business First, almost 1000 business owners from Central Ohio have signed a letter of support that declares racism as a public health crisis. The businesses range from bakeries to bars and the largest traded company in Ohio.
The letter stated that people in positions of power must speak out. The letter was written by John Lowe, CEO of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. A resolution was originally written earlier this year but was delayed due to the pandemic.
On board are heads of the four Columbus-based hospital systems, some of the largest law firms, local offices of huge accounting firms, venture capital firms, tech startups, community development organizations and mom-and-pop retailers and restaurants.
Originally with 80 signatures on Saturday, after going online, it received many more signatures. The document is on the website of the Columbus chapter of Conscious Capitalism.
The resolution and support letters were drafted before the weekend of protests that represented the matter of police killing of unarmed black people. After those events, the group said that meaningful collective action must take place. Columbus Public Health and Columbus City Council were set to vote on making the declaration.
There is still discrimination based on race and sexual identity in personal lives as well as in business. The LGBTQ community supports efforts to eradicate racism as well as prejudice. Families should feel empowered, no matter which gender or race. Consult with an attorney when same-sex divorce arises as well as other legal issues; when life seems out of control, a supportive attorney can help resolve issues that seem overwhelming.