Sophisticated Family Law Firm
Serving Columbus, Ohio
Your Legal Team Supporting You
During Divorce
Child Custody Lawyers Who Put
Your Kids First
One Of Ohio’s Leading LGBTQ
Family Law Firms
Guidance For Grandparents
Seeking Custody

Columbus, Ohio, Family Law Attorneys

Chances are, if you’re looking at websites for family law attorneys, you’d rather be doing almost anything else. Facing a divorce, dissolution, custody or support matter means you’re dealing with transitions that make your life seem out of control, and you may be feeling that your most important relationships will never be the same.

At Massucci Law Group LLC,  we can’t take away the difficult circumstances that brought you to our door, but we can, and will, help you through them. Our mission is to help you feel comfortable, heard, cared for and empowered. We are here to help you get your life back.

Our firm has a special focus on serving Ohio’s LGBTQ community. Attorney LeeAnn M. Massucci is one of the leading LGBTQ divorce lawyers in the state. Our firm will assist you with your divorce, child custody, family formation and other legal matters.

Our Practice Areas


Child Custody And
Parenting Time

Child Support

Modifications And


Compassionate Legal Support For Ohio Families

At Massucci Law Group LLC, our first priority is listening to you. When you’re in the midst of a family law crisis, it can be overwhelming. You’re confronted with legal, financial and emotional changes. It can feel like there’s no safe place to rest, no solid ground to stand on, and each day brings new challenges. We offer you a place where you can take a breath, tell your story and know that someone has your back.

Once we have a chance to hear what is important to you, the next step is to give you something you need: information. Knowledge is power, so understanding the legal process and your options can help the ground under your feet feel a little more stable. LeeAnn has practiced Ohio family law for 18 years and our team has 50 years of cumulative experience in this area, so we have plenty of experience with which to guide you and answer all of your questions. We don’t make decisions for you; instead, we offer you the straightforward advice you need to feel confident making the best decisions for you and your family.

Your Needs Are Unique, So Is Our Experience

Ohio LGBT Family Law Blog

Custody Issues In A Same-Sex Divorce

When Ohio couples with children file for same-sex divorce, they have to navigate custody laws written for heterosexual marriage. Therefore, there are several complexities that you need to deal with during the dissolution of the marriage. Property entanglements Because...

Addiction and recovery requirements for child custody

Child custody is often complicated for those who are battling addiction or currently in recovery in Ohio. In order for the courts to grant a parent child custody, the parent needs to meet certain requirements. Here are some of the most common things that a judge will...

Does your child support payment change after you remarry?

When you file for divorce in Ohio, the judge typically looks at your income and other factors to figure out a fair child support payment. The state expects you to pay enough to support your child but not so much that you can't afford basic expenses. However, the...

Factors that determine how a custody order is structured

After you end a romantic relationship with your child's other parent, an Ohio judge will likely determine who has custody of your son or daughter. Even if you create a parenting plan with your former partner, a judge will still need to approve it. There are many...

How divorce differs for LGBTQ couples

Many people in Ohio choose to end their marriages in divorce, including both heterosexual and same-sex couples. However, there are some important differences between heterosexual and LGBTQ divorces that people should know. Lesbian vs. gay male divorces Researchers in...

Will you still owe child support if you lose your job?

If you are a divorced parent in Ohio, you may be required to pay child support to your former spouse. Most likely, you went to court, and the amount you were ordered to pay was based on your income among other factors. However, if you lose your job, you might wonder...

Strong Advocacy From Experienced, Responsive Ohio Family Law Attorneys

Our attorneys listen to your unique needs and advise you based on your goals and Ohio family law. When you entrust us with what matters most to you — your family — we take our obligation very seriously. We will develop a customized plan for your case, and then we fight for you and your family. As your case proceeds, we will partner with you to reevaluate the issues and help you decide if your goals have changed, and, if so, the best way to proceed. We keep you informed every step of the way, and we take your calls when you have questions. We help you to solve your legal problems, so that you can focus on building the future you want for yourself and your children.

Based in Columbus, Ohio, Massucci Law Group LLC serves family law clients in Franklin County and throughout central Ohio. We invite you to learn more about our team, our strengths, our services and to contact us to schedule a consultation.

Photo of LeeAnn M. Massucci


What should I bring to the first meeting?

NAFLA | National Academy of Family Law Attorneys
Avvo Rating | 10.0 Superb | Top Family Law Attorney
CBA | Columbus Bar Association
Rated By | Super Lawyers | LeeAnn M. Massucci |
10 Best | 2 Years | 10 Best Law Firm | Client Satisfaction | American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
The LGBT Bar